Getting Started After Installation
Customizing Dropdown/Select Boxes
Customizing Countries and States
This guide documents the features of the powerful webJobs™ administrative backend and how to use it to manage your site. You should take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls of the Smartway administrative area, so that you can manage your site to its fullest potential.
If you've just successfully completed your installation, you'll now need to set up your billing items, and to navigate around Smartway.
If you haven't already done so, you will need to login to the administrative area, which is located at http://YOUR-DOMAIN/webJobs-BASE-DIRECTORY/smartway/ (replace YOUR-DOMAIN and webJobs-BASE-DIRECTORY with your actual domain name and the relative WWW directory where you performed the webJobs™ installation — i.e., the directory where you ran install.php). For example, if you installed webJobs™ at, your administrative backend would be located at
You will be presented with a login prompt similar to the one shown to the left. Log in with the administrative username and password (not necessarily your MySQL or FTP username and password!) that you supplied to the installation script.
When you first log in, you will see an overview of your webJobs™ installation, including:
Your first step should be to let the webJobs™ software know what options will be available to employers for searching resumes and posting jobs. On the left side of the screen, you will see a menu. Select Billing Items from this menu. Now, for each item:
The example to the right shows the proper settings for a single 1-month (30-day) job posting costing $99. If you wanted to offer 5 job postings at a reduced price of $449 total, you would change the Quantity to 5 and the price to $449. Note that the price is for the entire item package, not per item.
Note: Single-item job postings (i.e., those with a quantity of 1) and multiple-item job postings are treated differently in the user-accessible frontend and appear in different spots for purchasing. In any event, for any given job duration, you will need a job posting billing item with that duration and a quantity of 1 as a reference for the webJobs™ software. You can add other items that contain multiple postings in a single package for convenience, but the quantity-1 item must be present for proper usage.
Smartway uses session cookies, which means that you are considered logged out from the administrative area when you close your browser. However, if you wish to log yourself out manually, you can click Log out from system in the upper right corner of any Smartway page. Doing so will return you to the Smartway login page.
One of the goals of webJobs™ is to provide maximal configurability. There are several system settings that you may wish to tweak. To change these settings, click on System Configurator from the menu on the left.
You will see a list of configuration files that you can edit. To modify one, click Edit next to the desired file. The settings in each file are outlined and explainedbelow.
(Those of you familiar with our System Configurator from webDate™ or webAffiliate™ may notice that the configuration settings are now divided into several smaller files, instead of the one larger, monolithic configuration file. This scheme allows us to introduce future plugins and configuration options with less likelihood of disturbing your critical settings, such as your database information.)
This file stores information pertaining to the Smartway administrator.
Option | Description |
Administrator login | This is the username that you, as the administrator, will use to access the Smartway administrative area. You initially supplied it during installation. |
Administrator password | This is the password that you, as the administrator, will use to access the Smartway administrative area. You initially supplied it during installation. Leave blank unless you want to change it. Submitting a blank password wil keep the current one. |
E-mail address | This is the email address from which the webJobs™ software will send its email. Automatic email notifications sent to the administrator by the software will be sent to this address as well. It is recommended that this be a working address. |
This file specifies how the webJobs™ software should connect to the database backend. Incorrect settings here will prevent your software from working, so be sure to get them right.
Option | Description |
Database type | Always MySQL. |
Your database host | This is the database host to which the webJobs™ software should connect. You should have supplied this information during installation. If you do not know your database host server, you will need to contact your web host to find out this information. |
Your database username | This is the username (not necessarily your Smartway or FTP username) that you use to conect to the database server. You should have supplied this information during installation. If you do not know your database username, you will need to contact your web host. |
Your database password | This is the password (not neccesarily your Smartway or FTP password) that you use to connect to the database server. You should have supplied this information during installation. If you do not know your database password, you will need to contact your web host. |
Database name | This is the name of the database that the webJobs™ software will use. You should have supplied this information during installation. Creating a database often has to be done using special website management software that your host has installed. If you do not know how to do this, please contact your web host. |
This file specifies the default time settings for your server.
Option | Description |
Time zone difference | This is the default time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). You can enter this either as a whole number of hours (e.g., -5 for Eastern Standard Time) or as an hours-and-minutes combination of the format hh:mm. For example, to set the time to be three and a half hours behind GMT/UTC, you could enter -3:30 here. As the instructions in the configurator state, do not account for Daylight Saving Time here (unless your DST adjustment is more or less than an hour). |
Daylight Saving Time type | Here, you can specify how the server should handle Daylight Saving Time adjustments. Currently the following options are
If you require other types of automatic DST adjustments, please contact Web Scribble Solutions for custom programming. Other types of DST adjustments are currently feasible as long as they follow a fixed pattern based on the Gregorian calendar. (For example, for the United States, DST always goes into effect at 2:00 a.m. local time on the first Sunday on or after April 1, and goes out of effect at 2:00 a.m. local time on the last Sunday before November 1.) |
This file controls the behavior of most emails sent out by the webJobs™ software.
Option | Description |
Send emails in | Here, you can choose whether to have emails sent in HTML or in plain text. The default email templates are plain text, but ou can easily modify them to contain HTML. Note that the webJobs™ mailer will send out HTML emails with a plain-text alternative for those recipients whose email readers might have trouble reading HTML. The mailer uses a very simple algorithm to distill HTML into plain text, and, if you use images or tables, the plain-text version may not be as readable as you might otherwise expect. |
Site mailer name | This specifies the name that the mailer will use to identify itself when sending email. It is usually not seen by default in an email client, and, for those familiar with the way that email works, it is the X-Mailer header field. It is recommended that you leave this at the default value. |
Organization | This specifies the name of the organization that appears by default at the bottom of all automatically generated emails sent by the webJobs™ software. It is not currently used as the Organization header field in an email. |
Notify admin of new job seeker registrations? | If checked, the administrator (whose email address is specified in the Administrator Contact Info file) will receive an email whenever a job seeker registers. |
Notify admin of new employer registrations? | If checked, the administrator will receive an email whenever an employer registers. |
Notify admin of new job postings? | If checked, the administrator will receive an email whenever an employer posts a new job. |
Notify admin of new resume postings? | If checked, the administrator will receive an email whenever a job seeker posts a new resume. |
Notify admin of job posting expirations? | If checked, the administrator will receive an email whenever a job posting expires. |
Notify employer of job posting expirations? | If checked, an employer will receive an email whenever his or her job posting expires. |
This file controls miscellaneous formatting options.
Option | Description |
Currency Symbol | This controls the symbol prepended to monetary amounts generated by the software. HTML is allowed. For example, to use the British pound symbol (£), you would enter £ here. |
Number of table rows to show per page | To keep page sizes from becoming unwieldly, the webJobs™ software automatically breaks up most large tables and provides a navigation bar. This setting controls the number of rows to show per page. |
Required field prefix | This is prepended to the label of any required form field. HTML is allowed. |
Required field suffix | This is appended to the label of any required form field. HTML is allowed. |
Format forms with | Choose which type of tag to use to format the forms that the webJobs™ software generates. You can use <div> tags, which are more standards-compliant, or you can use <table> tags, which are more likely to work on older browsers. Note that we test our <div> layout on the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7.1, and Opera 7 web browsers. |
Resume and Cover Letter Settings
This file controls various options concerning resumes.
Option | Description |
Maximum resume size | This is the maximum size of an uploaded resume in bytes. The maximum size is 16,777,216 bytes (16 megabytes). |
Maximum resumes per user | This is the maximum number of resumes that a user can have uploaded simultaneously. A value of 0 means that there is no limit. If you decrease this number, all users over the new limit will be allowed to keep all of their current resumes, but they will be unable to upload new resumes; and once they delete resumes, they will be subject to the limit fully as well. |
Censor resumes? | This option specifies whether the censor should be appied to newly uploaded resumes (resumes currently in the database will not be affected until they are edited). |
Maximum cover letter | This is the maximum size of a cover letter in bytes. The maximum size is 16,777,216 bytes (16 megabytes). |
Maximum cover letters per user | This is the maximum number of cover letters that a user can have uploaded simultaneously. A value of 0 means that there is no limit. If you decrease this number, all users over the new limit will be allowed to keep all of their current cover letters, but they will be unable to upload new resumes; and once they delete resumes, they will be subject to the limit fully as well. |
Censor cover letters? | This option specifies whether the censor should be appied to newly uploaded cover letters (cover letters currently in the database will not be affected until they are edited). |
This file controls various site options.
Option | Description |
Your webJobs serial number | This is the webJobs™ serial number that was provided to you with your order and that you should have specified during installation. Do not leave this blank, or your software will not run. |
Base URL to this webJobs installation: | This is the URL (not the disk path) to the base directory of your webJobs™ software. It should have been completed during installation. |
Cookie prefix | In case you are running other cookie-based software on your server, this allows you to specify a unique prefix for all cookies sent out by the webJobs™ software; this helps to avoid login problems. |
Show debugging info? | If checked, this option will cause various diagnostic information to be shown, including page generation time, a complete list of queries used, etc. We recommend that you turn this option off for normal operation. |
Use censor? | If checked, this option will allow the censor to be used. No other option involving the censor will take effect unless this option is checked. |
Default language? | This option specfies the three-letter ISO 639 code for the default language of the webJobs™ software. eng is the default, and should be used unless you have uploaded and enabled other translations of the software. |
Most likely, you will want to customize the look and feel of your webJobs™ installation. The Smartway administrative area provides easy mechanisms for doing so.
To change the default HTML templates that came with the webJobs™ software, you have a couple of options:
Edit the templates over the Web. The administrative area provides a simple, Web-based text editor for editing the HTML templates. Simply choose Customize Templates from the menu on the left. Next, choose the file that you wish to edit. The template should then appear for editing. Make the desired changes, and click Update Template to commit those changes. Be careful about text enclosed in <?php ?>. This is PHP code, and is essential to the correct display of the site.
Download the templates for offline editing. Instead of editing the HTML templates over the Web, you may prefer to edit them using an HTML editor on your local computer. To do this, you can download the templates from the server using your FTP client or by opening a template for editing over the Web (as described in the previous paragraph) and clicking Download Template for Editing. When you are finished making your changes offline, you can upload the revised version through your FTP client.
You can edit the body and subject of any email automatically sent by the webJobs™ software. To do so:
New to the webJobs™ software, you can edit almost all of the automatically generated text produced in the program. By default, the site is in English, but by editing the language and form files, the site can be in whatever language you choose. You can even support multiple languages at once, and let your users pick the language in which they're most comfortable!
Before we get to multiple language support, let's overview editing a single language. In the Smartway administrative area, select Languages from the menu on the left. You should see a table listing of the languages that you have uploaded (English is supplied by default). All languages supported by the ISO 639 standard are supported, with the following minor deviations:
There is a difference between a language being present/uploaded and being enabled. If a language appears in the table, you have uploaded it to your webJobs™ installation and it is being detected successfully. If a language is enabled, it is available for your site visitors to select.
Editing Language Files over the Web
To edit a language, click Edit next to its entry in the language listing. You will then see two dropdown boxes: one listing the language files for error messages, and the other listing language files for normal text. Each file roughly corresponds to a page or form. To edit a file, select it from the appropriate dropdown box and click the Edit button underneath. You will then see a list of all of the text snippets contained in that file, along with rough descriptions of what each snippet is used for. Make changes as desired, and click Modify Language File to save those changes.
Creating a New Language Directory
To create a new language directory so that your users can view the site in that language, copy the default eng directory and all of its contents to a new directory in smartway/conf/lang (you may have to download the directory and re-upload it with a new name). The name of the new directory should be the three- or two-letter code that corresponds to the new language (for example, the code for Spanish is esl. You can then proceed to edit the language files as desired, as described in the previous section. Once you've changed the files, click Enable next to the language to make it visible and usable to the users of your site.
The webJobs™ software provides you the capability to edit some aspects of the forms over the Web, without having to use HTML. This is possible through the use of an innovative proprietary XML format. Select Customize Forms from the menu on the left to get started. You'll be presented with a list of the forms used in the webJobs™ software. Click Edit next to the form that you wish to change. The basic structure of the form will be shown in a four-column table.
Editing Other Aspects of the Forms
Our XML engine is very powerful and flexible and, coupled with CSS, can handle a wide variety of cases and layouts. By editing the career_style.css and the files in the css/ directory, you can change the layout and appearance of the forms as desired. For more information, please visit the W3C's page on CSS. You might also want to read various tutorials on CSS, such as W3Schools'.
You can also customize the contents of the dropdown (select) boxes used in the webJobs™ software. Unfortunately, this is the one area of the site that does not yet support multiple simultaneous languages. Click on Customize Select Boxes from the menu on the left in the Smartway administrative area. You will see a list of the available groups of entries, along with the number of entries in each group. To edit a group click on its name.
You will see a list of the individual entries in the selected group, along with some controls and a form to add a new entry to this group.
To add an entry to this group, fill in the box labeled New Item Name and click Add Item. Note that two items in the same group cannot have the same name.
To change an entry, click Edit next to the entry that you wish to change. Make the change, and click Modify Item to save your changes. To delete an entry, click Delete next to the entry that you wish to remove. Please note that you should not delete all of the entries in a group at once, as you will not able to return to that group once you leave that page.
To change the order of entries, click Move Up and/or Move Down as necessary. Keep in mind that, if you do this to an item on the top or bottom of the page, it may move to the next page. You can also select a location to move an entry to by choosing an item from the Move... dropdown box; this is especially useful when you wish to move a single item from one end of the list to the other.
You can also sort a group in ascending or descending “natural” order, ignoring case. This means that numbers are treated as single sorting units and that, for example, “A” and “a” are considered equivalent. Simply click on Sort in ascending order or Sort in descending order as desired.
You can customize the lists of countries and states by going to the Countries and States sections, respectively, of the administrative area. These sections work very much like individual groups of the dropdown box customization, with the exception that states can be assigned to a country.
This section details how to handle troublesome situations.
If someone is causing trouble on your site, you can deny access to his or her IP address, or a range of IP addresses that he or she uses. To do so, click on Banned IPs from the Smartway administrative menu on the left. You will be presented with a list of currently banned IP addresses, if any, and a prompt for a new IP address to ban. Note that IP banning does not affect the Smartway administrative area, only the front end.
To ban an IP address or a range of IP addresses, enter in the Banned IP address box the IP dotted decimal representation (e.g., of the IP address to ban. You can also ban an entire class of IP addresses by substituting an asterisk (*) as a wildcard for any (or all if you happen to be paranoid) of the four parts of the address. For example, banning 192.168.1.* bans all addresses beginning with 192.168.1.. You must specify all four parts explicitly; an asterisk will only cover one part of the address. To save the new IP address, click Ban IP.
To change a currently banned IP address, click Edit next to the entry that you wish to change. Once you have modified the IP address as desired, click Edit Banned IP to save your changes. To remove an entry, click Delete next to it (you will be prompted for confirmation).
One would hope that someone's resumes and cover letters would not need to be censored, but stranger things have occurred. In a less draconian sense, you can use the censor as a sort of automatic spelling corrector, for fixing common spelling mistakes (for example, hte instead of the). Click on Customize Censor from the administrative menu to get started. You will see a list of currently censored words/phrases, if any, and a form for adding new censor entries.
To add a new censor entry, fill out the form completely. Censored Word/Phrase is the word or phrase that will be replaced. Replacement is what will be substituted in for the censored word/phrase. If Case Sensitive? is checked, the censor will only trigger on an exact match in letter case; otherwise, case will not matter. If Allow partial-word matches? is checked, the word/phrase does not have to begin and end on word boundaries to be censored. For an illustration, suppose that dog is to be replaced with cat. Here are the censor results for the various configurations:
Original | (no options checked) | Case Sensitive | Partial-word matching | Both Case Sensitive and Partial-word matching |
dog | cat | cat | cat | cat |
DOG | cat | DOG | cat | DOG |
dogging | dogging | dogging | catging | catging |
bulldog | bulldog | bulldog | bullcat | bullcat |
do good | do good | do good | do good | do good |
Click Add Censor to submit the new entry.
To change an existing entry, click Edit next to the entry that you wish to change. Make the desired changes, and click Edit Censor to save those changes. To remove an existing entry, click Delete next to the entry that you wish to delete; you will be asked for confirmation.
To view a list of your current members, cilck on Member Manager from the administrative menu on the left. You will see a summary of each member and some controls. (Keep in mind that you may have to navigate through several pages to see the entire member list.) You can sort the list by different columns by clicking the column heading. Clicking a heading once sorts the list by increasing order over that column; clicking it again sorts the list by decreasing order.
Toward the bottom of the page, you will see a form that you can use to search for specfic members. You do not have to fill in all of the fields. Click Search to run your query. If the webJobs™ software does not find any exact matches for your search, it will look for approximate matches (although it is not very good at this, so you are encouraged to check your spelling).
To edit a specific member, either click on that member's login name or on the Edit button to the right. You should then see a form showing the selected member's current information:
Option | Description |
Member ID | A unique numerical identifier used to track the member. Cannot be changed. |
Username | The name that the user uses to log in. Also called the login elsewhere in the documentation. You can change this, but it must be different from every other user's username (you will receive an error otherwise). Usernames are case-sensitive, and only the first 32 characters are recognized. |
Password | The user's password. You can change this, but you will not see what you type, so be careful. Passwords are case-sensitive, and the only the first 32 characters are recognized. |
Status | The type of user (seeker or employer). Cannot be changed. |
Primary email | The user's primary email address. This is the address to which automatically generated emails are sent. |
Salutation | Courtesy title (such as Mr. or Mrs. in English-speaking countries). Optional. |
First name | The user's first name. |
Middle initial | The user's middle initial, if any. |
Last name | The user's last name (surname). |
Last name suffix | A generational suffix appended to the user's name (such as Sr. or Jr.). |
Other titles | Any other titles that come afteer the user's name (such as Ph.D., J.D., R.N., etc.). |
Company name | The company with which the user is affiliated. Only shown for employers. |
Signup date/time | The date and time at which the user registered. |
When you're finished making the desired changes, click Edit Member to save those changes. Unless there was an error, you will be returned to the main member list.
To remove a member and everything associated with him/her from the system, click Delete next to that member. (You will be prompted for confirmation.)
You can view, edit, or delete a job seeker's resumes and/or cover letters by clicking the button on the right of that member's entry. For employers, this button instead reads Billing, which is discussed in the next section.
There are two ways to access records of previously purchased billing items. The first way is to click on Billing History from the Smartway administrative menu. The second is to click on Billing next to a specific member in the Member Manager discussed in the previous section; this latter option shows only the billing items purchased by that user. You can also restrict the history list to a specfic user by clicking on that user's username in the billing history.
In either case, you should see a table with the following columns, from left to right:
To add a new entry by hand, fill out the form below the table completely and click Add billing History Entry. An ID will be automatically generated, and the current time will be used.
You can also mass-email a newsletter to your members by clicking on Newsletter on the administrative menu. Choose whether to send the email to all members, all employers, or all job seekers; decide whether to send the mail in Plain text or HTML by choosing from the Mail type dropdown box; fill in the subject and message body, and click Send to begin the mailing process. To prevent server overloads and timeouts, the emails are queued and sent out in small batches. Thus, it might take a few minutes to send all of them; you will be updated as to the progress. During this timem do not navigate away from this page or close the browser window, or the mailing will stop.
Copyright © 2004 Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. webJobs™, webAffiliate™ and webDate™ are trademarks of Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and/or service marks referenced in this document are property of their respective owners.