webJobs™ v1.0 Installation Manual
Copyright © 2004 Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

webJobs™ Overview


System Requirements

License Agreement

Brief Installation Instructions

Detailed Installation Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

webJobs™ Overview

webJobs™ is a unique product that allows you to easily set up and maintain a job-searching site where employers and job seekers come together to satisfy each other's needs. webJobs™ provides an easy billing system, extensive searching capabilities, and intuitive resume and cover letter uploads.

From the creators of the popular webDate™ matchmaking site software, webJobs™ offers you the customizability and ease of installation that you've come to expect from Webscribble, without a need for special modules or extensions. Of course, you are also welcome to take advantage of our technical support or free installation services, if desired.

With a completely reconstructed Smartway administrative backend and page generation engine, webJobs™ offers exciting new levels of customizability. The new engine allows for multiple languages, customizable error messages, time zone adjustments, XML-based form customization, and more!

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Main Features

User Interface

Administrative Area

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System Requirements

In order to install, you will need the following:

  1. A licensed copy of webJobs™.
  2. A .ZIP decompression utility, such as:
  3. An FTP client program, such as:
  4. A web server running PHP 4.1.0 or newer with the XML extension (a fairly widespread extension) and Zend Optimizer. NOTE: Windows/IIS is not officially supported. Apache running on Windows is supported.
  5. MySQL version 3.23 or newer.
  6. A basic understanding of HTML and preferably CSS.
  7. A basic understanding of installation scripts.

Although not required, you may wish to have either an ASCII text editor, such as Notepad, or a web page editor, such as Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage, in order to edit the HTML templates offline.

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License Agreement

The webJobs™ product is licensed, not sold. You may use it only under terms of our license agreement, which can be found at http://www.webscribble.com/products/license.shtml. By installing this software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license.

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Brief Installation Instructions

Follow these instructions if you are knowledgeable about using FTP and configuring MySQL databases. If you would like a more in-depth guide, please see the Detailed Installation Instructions section.

  1. Unzip, into a temporary local directory, all of the files that you received on the installation CD or in the email attachment. Make sure that the ZIP program retains the directory structure.
  2. Connect to your web host via your FTP program and upload all of the files (except phpinfo.php, which is provided as a convenient diagnostic tool) to your public HTML directory (or a subdirectory). Again, make sure to preserve the directory structure.
  3. Set the permissions on (CHMOD) all of the uploaded files appropriately. templates, engine/scheduler/trigger, and smartway/conf, and all files directories underneath them, need to be set to 777 (except the .htaccess files; .htaccess should always be 644 or, at most, 755).
  4. In your web browser, navigate to http://YOUR-DOMAIN/webJobs-BASE-DIRECTORY/install.php (replace YOUR-DOMAIN and webJobs-BASE-DIRECTORY with your actual domain name and the directory to which you uploaded the webJobs™ software, respectively). Follow the script instructions.
  5. If the installation script completes successfully, it should give you a link to the administrative area. Login with your administrative login name and password, which you supplied to the installation script. You can now continue to customize your site. In particular, you should edit the default email templates and set up your billing scheme. See the administrative area section for details on how to accomplish this.

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Detailed Installation Instructions

Follow these instructions if you have little or no experience in uploading and installing third-party scripts and/or configuring MySQL databases. If you are a more advanced user, you may wish to skip the details and instead read the brief version of these instructions.

Step 1: Unzip the installation files.

Whether you received the webJobs™ software on CD or via email, you should put the .ZIP file into a temporary folder/directory on your local computer (not on your web server) and run your unzipping program to extract all of the files to this temporary folder.

Step 2: Connect to your FTP server and upload the unzipped files.

Using your FTP client, connect to your host's FTP server (if you don't know the host name, username, or password for this, you will need to contact your host to find them out) and navigate to the directory in which you want to install the webJobs™ system. This directory must be your public HTML directory (usually named www or public_html) or a subdirectory thereof.

Upload all of the files, except phpinfo.php*, to this directory, but make sure to retain the directory structure. In other words, if a file was originally located in smartway in the .ZIP file, upload it to the smartway directory on the server. Depending on your FTP program, you may have to create the directories yourself before uploading the files, although many good, modern FTP client programs will do this for you.

* phpinfo.php is a script that accesses PHP's internal diagnostic information. It is provided for your use as a webmaster, but should not be left on the server when you are not using it, as it is a bad idea to provide make that server information publically accessible.

Make sure to upload everything in BINARY mode. Failure to follow this guideline will result in corrupted files.

Step 3: Set the file permissions.

  1. Set the permissions on every directory (including the base webJobs™ directory) to 755 (read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, group, and everyone else).
  2. Set the permissions on all .htaccess files to 644 (read/write permissions for the owner and read permission for the group and everyone else).
  3. Set the permissions on the templates directory, its subdirectories, and everything underneath them to 777.
  4. Set the permissions on the smartway/conf directory, its subdirectories, and everything underneath them to 777.
  5. Set the permissions on the engine/scheduler/trigger directory, its subdirectories, and everything underneath them to 777.
  6. Everything else should be set to 755.
This is a common source of future errors. Without this step, the webJobs™ software would not be able to update your configuration files or templates.

Step 4: Run the install script.

When you uploaded the unzipped files, one of those files was an installation script that will help you to configure your database and server properly. You will now run that script.

For this step, you will need your MySQL information, including your host, username, password, and the name of the database that webJobs™ will use (the database does not need to exist already). Note that your MySQL username and password may be different from your FTP username and password. If you do not know this information, you will need to obtain it from your web host.

In your normal web browser (not your FTP client), navigate to the web page where install.php would reside after you uploaded it. For example, if your domain name is www.mydomain.com, your base public HTML directory is public_html, and you installed webJobs™ into public_html/webJobs/, you would need to point your browser to http://www.mydomain.com/webJobs/install.php.

Next, follow the script instructions carefully. The script is a simple two-step process that creates the necessary tables in the database and populates them with enough information to get you started. It will also update your configuration information, which is stored on your web server in the smartway/conf/config directory. After the script completes itself successfully, it will attempt to lock itself down to prevent further access; this prevents it from being run behind your back, which could potentially erase your database information. If it cannot do this for some reason, it will warn you to delete install.php as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized access.

Step 5: Log in to the administrative area and continue to configure the site.

You're almost done! Now go to the webJobs™ administrative area (the URL will be provided by the installation script) and log in using the username and password that you supplied to the webJobs™ installer script that you just ran. There are several things that you might want to take care of:

  1. Customizing system settings
    There are several variables that you can change in the System Configurator. Among these are the default time zone and language and upload size and quantity limits. After tweaking any settings as desired, click Save to apply the changes or Cancel to void them.
  2. Customizing billing
    You will also want to click on the Billing tab on the left and configure the resume search packs and job posting types that will be available to employers.
  3. Other customizations
    You may also wish to change the emails, templates, or forms, or to set up your censor. For more information, please refer to the administrator's guide.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Copyright © 2004 Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. webJobs™ and webDate™ are trademarks of Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and/or service marks referenced in this document are property of their respective owners.