Dear Friend,
The Native American Jump Start to Employment Program is a link between the
employer and Native American high school graduates who want a summer job.
The summer jobs can certainly turn into life long careers.
Unemployment on some Reservations in South Dakota is 85%, so these good kids
do not have a chance for employment at a job on the reservation.
This NAJSEP program is only for summer jobs and is not an “assimilation”
program. NAJSEP is not connected to any religious group/faith or
governmental program.

Scott Evans
What is the FEWA Foundation
Matching willing worker with
employers that need the help
Connecting communities
No Religious Agenda
Not another government
Not an Assimilation program
to move Native Americans to make them less Native American (Historical
Governmental Assimilation Programs restricted native Language and
Cultural identity
Connecting different Cultural
Communities (Employers also share their culture)
Employers provide or arrange
Employers provide
transportation to and from work daily
Employers can get permanent
workers from Summer Interns
Common ground makes for