Welcome to FEWA

Solving America’s Immigration Problems - One Employer and One Worker at a Time

You have labor demands — and we have solutions.

We understand the nature of your business, and we know how to connect you to the temporary labor you need. We’ll guide you and your workers through every detail of the process. We can help your business thrive and grow by navigating the ever changing world of guest worker programs for you.

FEWA Membership helps you:

  • Employ Legal Temporary Labor (H2A & H2B work visas)
  • Stay Compliant with Government Regulations
  • Save Money by Limiting Your Risk with Legal Counsel
  • Have a Voice in Washington, DC
  • And Much More...

To learn more about FEWA and how we help your business, please view the video to the right or navigate our site.

Aviso a los solicitantes que buscan trabajo en los EE.UU.: FEWA no recluta y nunca debe pagarle a nadie para que lo contrate con una visa H2. Aquí hay información importante sobre el proceso H2 y sus derechos.